[Liveblog] CATHLEEN KAVENY – #TEDXChange 2013

We are all called to be good Samaritans.

They think that the Roman Catholic tradition, to which I belong, hardens people’s hearts against sexually transmitted diseases.

The most positively disruptive words in the Bible.

Mary proclaims God’s special concern:

“God has shown great strength with his arm. He has brought down the powerful with his arm.

Over the centuries many bishops and theologians have put these words in spiritual terms and has no relevance to our earthly lives.

What would happen if we take Mary’s word for the here and now? We would have a biblical mandate for positive disruption.

Positive disruption – better patterns. 

When we challenge ourselves and our communities to recognize each human being as in the likeness of God.

Martin Luther King Jr positively disrupted Jim Crow laws with Civil Rights Movement.

To loving our neighbor as Jesus loved us.

Even today we can find examples of Catholics disrupting their communities. 

All Africa Conference – Sister to Sister. In March 2002 and number of African theologians met at Yale Divinity School to discuss HIV and its impact on the continent.

The American nuns do not see themselves as proposing an agenda. Their goal is to facilitate and to support the wise response of the African sisters to their own problem.

One American nun said,

“These women are so strong, but they have no resources and patriarchy is alive and well in their traditions.

In 2010 – Pop Benedict XVI – assumption of moral responsibility of male prostitute to use a condom in sexual encounters.

Q & A with Melinda Gates

Elevating women’s voices: It’s a challenge. Women in the West have a responsibility to reach out to members of the hierarchy.

We are going to be judged by how we treat other people.




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